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Blood Pressure Check/Health


Blood Pressure Screenings are given every 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month after the 8:00am and 10:30am services.  This is your opportunity to have a Licensed Professional Nurse monitor your blood pressure.


The J.P. Surtherland center is offering screenings the first Wednesday of each month at 11:30am.

Adopt A Senior


Our CMBC "We Care Ministry", is for our "Seasoned" Seniors, who would appreciate a call, a visit, being accompanied to the doctor, errands run for them, and other kind deeds and thoughtful gestures, from members in our church family.  Many of our Seniors have no one to check in on them and spend quality time with.  If you're interested in "adopting" a Senior, please consider giving of yourself to bring some sunshine into a Senior's life.  Coordinators - Sis. Peggy Cyrus and Sis. Gardenia Curry.  Contact the church office and thanks for sharing with others.

Quilting Class


Quilting Classes, Mondays at 11:00am.  These clases are held in the W. T. Shumake Fellowship Hall for your enjoyment.  It's also a time for you to fellowship with others who have a like interest.  If interested contact the church office at 451-2378, or just come out and join us .

E. O. Childs Scholarship Fund

With humble beginnings, the E.O. Childs Scholarship was formed on Sunday morning, June 16, 1987. Our Pastor, Rev. William T. Shumake announced the creation of a scholarship fund pursuant to the urgency of the National Urban League. Rev. Shumake then named seven persons (Carletta Bell, Charles Commodore, Reon Carothers, Lillie Ann Cross, Phyllis Hughes, Milton C. Lewis, and Mary Thompson) as the scholarship committee. These persons met immediately after the morning service and organized themselves into a working group. They appointed Bro. Lewis as the chairman and he in-turn appointed Sis. Phyllis Hughes as secretary and Sis. Carletta Bell as assistant secretary. Bro. Lewis asked Bro. Charles Commodore to serve as Vice Chairman.   All were in agreement with the newly established leadership team.


Upon review of the organizational material received from the Urban League, the team with input and suggestions from each member, established the requirements for the awarding of Community Baptist’s scholarships.   With the approval and recommendation from our Pastor Rev. Shumake… going forward the scholarship would be named after our beloved Deacon Edmond O. Childs (while he and his wife Sis Childs didn’t have children of their own- the youth of Community Baptist had a very special place in his heart and he was loved in return by Community’s youth).


A scholarship application form was developed and discussions were held regarding eligibility for our scholarships going forward. It was voted and approved that these guidelines would be followed:

  1. A candidate must be a member of Community Missionary Baptist Church

  2. The candidate’s application must be accepted to an accredited college

  3. One (1) letter of recommendation from current educational contact

  4. A one-page statement with an explanation why they should be granted this scholarship

  5. Student’s current transcript

  6. A limit of three (3) applications per member would be reviewed for acceptance

  7. Financial Information completed on the application - (tuition expenses / student income)


Note: Several years ago, the family of Sis. Pearlie Seay has made a financial scholarship donation from her family in her memory which is now presented to a youth from our church who exemplifies those outstanding qualities that she expounded with her devotion, her commitment and outstanding love to all youth. With this special donation from the Seay family, each year one of Community’s youth is now awarded financially, the Pearlie Seay scholarship that is a very special award and recognition.

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